Cris Crawford

Web Developer

Frontend • Fullstack

About this site

Picture of Cris

Here you will find some of my recent work in web page and app design. In 2021, I started learning frontend development. I've learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. I've done some work in backend using Python. Prior to that, and ongoing, I've been studying machine learning and data engineering.

For about 20 years I designed surface modeling algorithms for computer-aided design systems. This included writing analytic and numerical surface intersectors and surface evaluators, trimming curves and recalculating surface boundaries, implementing Boolean operations on solid models with intersection curve chaining and coincidence analysis, filleting and rounding edges, and more.

I enjoy every new challenge. I also love all kinds of puzzles, playing the piano from Bach to Debussy, and making colorful arts and crafts.


Languages: HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Python • SQL • Matlab • Java • C • C++ • C#

Frameworks: React • React Router • Next.js • Node.js • Flask

Databases and Remote Servers: PostgreSQL • SQLite • DuckDB • AWS • Google cloud

Tools and Libraries: Figma • Matplotlib • Seaborn • Pandas • Docker • Mage • DBT • Git/GitHub • Netlify • Replit • VSCode


space tourism screenshot

Space Tourism Website

Skills and platforms: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Accessibility, Figma, VSCode, git/GitHub,

This multi-page website was created entirely by hand, following a figma design file. It's designed for accessibility, including keyboard navigation and screen readers.

Code: GitHub repository

recipe app screenshot

Fullstack Recipe App

Skills and platforms: Python, Flask, REST api, SQLite, SQL, React, npm, VSCode, git/GitHub,,

This fullstack project allows the user to create a recipe, retrieve a recipe, update and delete a recipe. The backend creates the api entry points and interacts with the database. The frontend is deployed to netlify, and the backend is on pythonanywhere.

Code: GitHub repository

Country picker screenshot

Countries of the World

Skills and platforms: HTML, CSS, React, React Router, VSCode, git/GitHub,

I used React Router to create this fully interactive web site. The user can filter for a region, search for a country, and view statistics for an individual country.

Code: GitHub repository

Penrose app screenshot

Penrose Laboratory

Skills and platforms: HTML, CSS, React, VSCode, git/GitHub,

With this app I'm reliving my glory days as a student of electrical engineering. This career consisted of exactly two semesters of Laboratory Electronics at the Harvard Extension School. More

Code: GitHub repository